UnforGOATable Fitness

Exercising does so much for our mental and physical health, but the responsibilities that come with simply existing in today's world do plenty to make sure that we have no room for it within the folds of our busy schedules. It's insane. Life can get exhausting REALLY quickly, and taking care of ourselves might often be the very last thing we have time to do. The lack of physical exercise can turn those beautiful rivers and streams that transport thoughts in our minds into mucky swamps that trap us.

Now, I'm not sure about you, but being stuck in a swamp isn't really my idea of fun.

Without question, fitness holds an important place in our lives. It clears the fog from our brains, lets us move with more freedom, washes us in endorphins that make us feel good... And as we all know, feeling good feels GOOD.

However, getting to enjoy the benefits of exercise means you have to actually, you know... exercise. Keeping physically fit can drastically improve your health and lifestyle, but it isn't always enjoyable. Granted, it isn't really easy to enjoy anything you lack the motivation to do in the first place. But what if there were outdoor activities in Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena and Altadena that you could get excited about?

Surrounded by some of the most beautiful nature that the greater L.A. area has to offer, you can give yourself the break you so desperately deserve and indulge in a soul nourishing, therapeutic activity such as yoga or hiking. Leave the stress of daily life behind and connect with your inner child (or kid) as you go on a fabulous, goat-filled adventure with Hello Critter. Yes, that’s right. Goats! Goats can be the key in finding the motivation to go outside and exercise. Whether it be hiking, yoga, or a hybrid of both, Hello Critter has the fun and friendly goats to propel you into motion.

So, Goat Yoga. You may have encountered this term online, heard about it on the news, seen it on social media, or maybe reality TV. Well, if you’re like me, I'm willing to bet that you did a double take the first time you came across this unexpected combination of yoga and farm animals. This one of a kind experience is an actual thing, and animal lovers are raving about it around the globe. If you ask me, I'll tell you that if you're looking for a memorable Los Angeles animal experience, Goat Yoga is the answer. (And nothing screams “I’D RATHER BE WORKING OUT IN L.A.” like doing goat yoga, amirite?)

The popularity surrounding this unique breed of fitness lies in the immediate shift of mood that transpires when you meet these charming caprine critters. They're curious. They can be mischievous. They love to explore and engage. They'll nudge you incessantly until you give them scratches, and then they'll return the favor by giving you a deep tissue massage with their bootie covered hooves while you attempt various yoga postures. Why mess with boring weights when you could have adorable goats instead??

Goat Yoga is perfect for team building, making memories with friends, de-stressing, keeping active and more. If you’re looking to take your next gathering to the next level,  JUST ADD GOATS! And trust me when I say, not only will you have a “cool L.A. experience,” you will have the Greatest Of All Time. Yeah, I went there. Better baah-lieve it. (I'm going to stop now).

Why not have a go at it? GOAT FOR IT. (Alright. Now I'm stopping).

Okay so, genuine question: What exactly is Goat Yoga? What does it mean, and how does it work?

Allow me.

Imagine showing up to yoga class to treat yourself to some well deserved self care, only to be greeted by the sight of adorable Nigerian Dwarf goats who are sure to win you over. . . even if they have no boundaries or sense of personal space. Be warned, they may take it upon themselves to go through your belongings while you are settling in. Hello Critter recommends bringing only necessities to class: drinking water, your camera and a towel to protect your yoga mat. Tie up long hair and leave behind any belongings that you prefer the goats don’t climb on, nibble on, or “bless.” (More on that later).

You’ll have time to forge a connection with your friendly caprine yoga companions before class. Give them a scratch and snap a few goat selfies - trust me, this is the content you need for social media.

Once everyone is settled into position (participants are thoughtfully arranged into a playground formatted to accommodate the goats) your certified Yoga instructor will guide you through a light hearted series of yoga asanas. Not to worry if you aren’t familiar with yoga. The teacher is there to explain simple “goat-friendly” poses designed for all levels and body types. Or, if all you want to do is sit on your mat and pet goats, that’s ok too!

Whatever you choose to do, just remember to take a deep breath and prepare yourself for some serious fun while you get to know these charismatic, cloven-hooved creatures up close and personal. If you happen to become wholly immersed in your practice, a silly, tail-wagging goat may come around to playfully remind you that first and foremost, Goat Yoga is about having FUN! This not your mama’s yoga practice. This is YOUR yoga practice. Indulge yourself. Laugh and enjoy. As many know- laughter is the best medicine and a good goat assisted stretch (sometimes referred to as G.A.S.) isn’t baaad either . . . (Oops. Did it again).

While resting in child’s pose, a goat may place themselves upon you, applying just the right amount of their body weight to release unwanted tension in your lower back. Or, while sitting in easy pose, you might find a goat pressing their hooves into into those tight, pesky knots for a surprisingly effective shoulder massage.

If they decide to jump on your back while you’re in plank pose, be sure to engage your core for some ruminative core strengthening. Try push ups for bonus points!

The goats are inclined to amble through tunnels created by yogi’s legs. While you’re folded over in a wide legged forward bend, grab your camera to capture the upside-down sensation of goats trotting toward you on video - an intriguing sight worth sharing.

Here’s something that can help you focus on the NOW: when you find a goat on your back while in table top position, try taking the goat for a little ride by slowly moving into downward dog. Your goat will feel like it’s rising to the top of a mountain peak. Let’s face it - how are you going to think about anything beside the present moment while you have a goat balancing on your butt?

OH! Speaking of butts! When the goats are feeling full of it, they play with each other by rearing up onto their hind legs and butting heads. Let me assure you, this is highly entertaining, action-packed natural goat behavior at it’s best.

Photo credit: Juan Lopez

And as far as “blessings” go, here’s all you need to know:

Goats are vegan. Their dry, virtually scent-free, coffee-bean like droppings (sometimes referred to as “blessings”) can land anywhere at anytime. This is not only good nourishment for the soil- it’s said to be good luck for whoever it lands near too! Don’t forget to buy a lottery ticket if it happens to you… In any case, a Hello Critter crew member will whisk away the blessings in a jiffy.

Ok, so by now you get the idea, goats are pretty fun which helps make exercise fun. They are excellent for motivating us to do what is good for us because they make us laugh; bringing us into the present moment, connecting us to the kid inside of us all while deepening our stretches, strengthening our core, testing our balance and opening our hearts. Ready to give it a try?